Those were the days!Sista's computer caught a nasty virus. It is back up and going but still maybe not up to posting so I'm doing one for the team here. It may not come as a surprise to our regular readers, all 4 of you, that the three of us here are sometimes a little discouraged at the current state of humanity. Not only is war an issue but with the ever eroding ozone, GMO's, etc., one has to wonder how long it will be before the effects of constant pollution of air and land will finally takes it toll......for good. We are already at a point of no turning back. At least I thought so until I read this. I have unknowingly volunteered to do my part.
¶ 7:44 PM
I was reading the question that said, "Will we have to stop having sex?". I got worried but it said it was OK.
hey guy and girls, nice to see you back. I too read some of the article, but I do not agree with their idea putting a limit on the amount of children a person should bring into this world. Some of their other concepts made more sense.